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I'm looking for bed in flat
buongiorno sono interessata alla stanza singola per mio figlioPADOVA - only this user adsfrom 30.08.24/ min days 360last update: more than 4 weeks -
I'm looking for apartments for rent € 390
APARTMENT ID: 2740344-
Verona - only this user adsfrom 29.08.24/ min days 360last update: more than 4 weeks -
I'm looking for apartments for rent € 500
APARTMENT ID: 2740343-
Buongiorno Siamo tre ragazzi che quest'anno studieranno all'Università di Verona e siamo interessati ad affittare questo appartamento. Sarebbe possibile? Grazie mille e salutiVerona - only this user adsfrom 15.09.24/ min days 2880last update: more than 4 weeks -
I'm looking for bed in flat
Sono una studentessa universitaria trentina. Cerco una stanza singola, domani potrei venire a vederla se possibile. Attendo risposta, grazieTrento - only this user adsfrom 28.08.24/ min days 360last update: more than 4 weeks -
I'm looking for bed in flat
Buonasera, sono una docente di 46 anni che inizierà a lavorare nel liceo Steam; poiché vivo a Trento mi sarebbe comoda una stanza da ottobre. Grazie, un saluto Emma FenuRovereto - only this user adsfrom 01.10.24/ min days 360last update: more than 4 weeks -
I'm looking for apartments for rent € 390
APARTMENT ID: 2740338-
Verona - only this user adsfrom 28.08.24/last update: more than 4 weeks -
I'm looking for apartments for rent € 390
APARTMENT ID: 2740337-
Sono interessatoTrento - only this user adsfrom 28.08.24/ min days 360last update: more than 4 weeks -
I'm looking for apartments for rent € 390
APARTMENT ID: 2740335-
Verona - only this user adsfrom 27.08.24/ min days 360last update: more than 4 weeks -
I'm looking for apartments for rent € 500
APARTMENT ID: 2740334-
CERVINARA - only this user adsfrom 01.01.70/ min days 360last update: more than 4 weeks -
I'm looking for apartments for rent € 450
APARTMENT ID: 2740321-
Sono un docente e sono interessato ad un bilocale in affitto a Rovereto dal 1 settembre per un mese con possibilità di prorogaRovereto - only this user adsfrom 27.08.24/ min days 360last update: more than 4 weeks -
I'm looking for 2 beds in apartment
SHARED APARTMENT ID: 2740319double room € 350 (Expences Included) · 2 places wantedflat furnished
We are two femsle students from the University of Milan looking for a shared room in any place that we can easily access the university.Milan - only this user adsfrom 01.10.24/ min days 330last update: more than 4 weeks -
I'm looking for apartments for rent
APARTMENT ID: 2740315-
Buongiorno, mi chiamo Anna, ho 31 anni e sono un'assegnista di ricerca presso l'Università di Trento. Sarei interessata a visitare l'appartamento in vicolo del vo' 74 e a sapere quanto verrebbe con le spese incluse. GrazieTRENTO - only this user adsfrom 01.01.70/last update: more than 4 weeks -
I'm looking for bed in flat
Ferrara - only this user adsfrom 01.01.70/ min days 360last update: more than 4 weeks -
I'm looking for apartments for rent € 390
APARTMENT ID: 2740310-
******'******'****** ****** ******Padova - only this user adsfrom 01.10.24/ min days 360last update: more than 4 weeks -
I'm looking for bed in flat
I hope this message finds you well. I am interested in the room you have available and would like to request more information about the apartment. Could you please provide details about the property, including whether there are other tenants currently living there? If so, how many people are sharing the apartment, and what are their occupations or areas of study? I am a student, so I am particularly interested in knowing if the other tenants are students as well. Thank you in advance for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from you.Trento - only this user adsfrom 02.09.24/ min days 360last update: more than 4 weeks -
I'm looking for apartments for rent € 800
APARTMENT ID: 2740307-
Trento - only this user adsfrom 01.09.24/ min days -1440last update: more than 4 weeks -
I'm looking for apartments for rent € 500
APARTMENT ID: 2740304-
Salve sarei interessata all' appartamento.sono un medico e inizierò a lavorare da ottobre a Trento.è ancora disponibile? Vorrei avere qualche dettaglio in più circa l' indirizzoTrento - only this user adsfrom 21.08.24/ min days 360last update: more than 4 weeks -
I'm looking for apartments for rent € 500
APARTMENT ID: 2740301-
Buonasera vorrei sapere se c'è disponibilità per il vostro monolocale e quanto chiedeteTrento - only this user adsfrom 20.08.24/ min days 360last update: more than 4 weeks -
I'm looking for apartments for rent € 450
APARTMENT ID: 2740300-
I want this property for 2 months. Please contact me to visit and have a contact. Thank youTrento - only this user adsfrom 31.08.24/ min days -2880last update: more than 4 weeks -
I'm looking for apartments for rent € 450
APARTMENT ID: 2740299-
I want this property for 2 months. Please contact me to visit and have a contact. Thank youTrento - only this user adsfrom 31.08.24/ min days -2880last update: more than 4 weeks